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Hey There

Schedule a date for the LABI Worship Team.
Are you interested in having LABI College lead worship at your local church?
Every semester, the LABI College Worship Tour Team visits different churches with the sole purpose of sharing about Go
d’s calling and ministry and how LABI can equip you for your call and ministry.

LABI College has a variety of academic and spiritual programs that are meant to help you grow and prepare you academically and spiritually.
Our mission is to share with your church what God is doing through our students.

Programe una fecha con el grupo de alabanza de LABI College!

Está interesado en que LABI dirija la alabanza. y adoración en su iglesia? 

Cada semestre, el equipo de alabanza de LABI College visita a diferentes iglesias con el único propósito y esperanza de compartir sobre el llamado al ministerio de Dios y cómo LABI puede equipar a individuos para su llamado y ministerio.

LABI College ofrece programas acreditados que están diseñados para equipar, desarrollar y prepararlo académica y espiritualmente.

¡Nuestra misión es compartir con su iglesia lo que Dios está haciendo a través de nuestros estudiantes!

LABI Tour Team

Tour Team Booking

What would you like to request

Dr. Krystal Baca-Matthews
Vice President of Spiritual Formation/Student Life and Campus Pastor 

Krystal Baca-Matthews has a strong legacy of ministers and graduated from LABI College with an Associates Degree in Bible Ministry in 2006. She also earned her BA and Masters in Leadership Studies from Vanguard University and served in impactful ministry positions. She is now the Vice President of Spiritual Formation/Student Life and Campus Pastor  at LABI College, passionate about helping young people walk their calling.

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