The faculty have been advised to modify their attendance policies for the next month. During this time, students will not be penalized for missing class due to a flu-related illness. Students will still be responsible for all course content and professors may move to more online delivery options.
LABI College has encouraged staff and faculty to stay home when sick and contagious. With the recent concerns about the Coronavirus, LABI advises you to stay home from work until at least 24 hours after a fever of 100° F (or above) is gone. In addition, the CDC recommends you keep distance from your co-workers for at least 4 to 5 days after your symptoms begin. Please contact your supervisor to know if you need to stay home because of a fever or flu-like symptoms. Staff may use sick leave for this time. If you have any questions regarding your PTO, please contact Human Resources. Faculty, please communicate with the Dean of Academics if your class session is affected due to illness.