Outcome Data
ABHE Self Study
Retention Rates and Graduation Rates
LABI College's Navigator Data
2024 Security and Safety Report
LABI College
States Approved for Distance Education
The following is a list of States where LABI has received approval or is exempt from approval to offer our programs via distance education.
Outcomes Data
Graduate Survey
The Graduate Survey collects information regarding the satisfaction and experience of recent graduates. The questions are 4-point scale, with 1 indicating strongly disagree and a “4” indicating strongly agree. The following data is from 2021 and 2022 graduating cohorts.
Questions. Score
Were you satisfied with the quality of education you received at LABI College? 3.6
Has your LABI College experience helped you pursue life objectives? 3.8
Would you recommend LABI College to others? 3.8
Graduate Survey Data (As of 2020)
80% of alumni are Assemblies of God affiliated
84% of alumni continue to serve at a church
55% of alumni plan on applying for AG minister’s credentials
Student Experience Survey
The Student Experience Survey captures students’ perception and satisfaction with the LABI programs. The following questions and responses are taken from the 2024 Student Experience Survey. Below are a few selected questions and scores. The questions are in a 4-point scale, with 1 indicating strongly disagree and a “4” indicating strongly agree.
Questions Average Score
The LABI program has helped me gain Pentecostal theological knowledge. 3.8
LABI Faculty are knowledgeable of the content/material. 3.8
Financial Aid Statistics
Most LABI College students who are eligible for federal financial aid receive at least a portion of the pell grant. Below are statistics on federal student aid awards for the 2022-2023 year:
Federal Financial Aid for Academic Year 2022-2023
Federal Aid Recipients 75%
Pell Grant Recipients 63%
Direct Loan Recipients. 39%
Student Demographic Statistics (Institutional Characteristics)
In the 2022-2023 annual institutional report to ABHE, LABI College reported the following statistics regarding student demographics:
Annual Unduplicated Student Headcount by Sex: Male (n=27, 46.5%) Female (n=31, 53.5%)
Annual Unduplicated Student Headcount by Race/Ethnicity: Hispanic (n=58, 100%)
ABHE Accreditation Self-Study
LABI College has worked diligently as a community of believers to assure that our goal of a Biblically based accreditation is in reach. Following the link below you will find an overview of this progress, representing several years of good work to demonstrate that we have sufficient policies, governance, educational quality, qualified faculty, support systems, learning objectives, research and assessment, and fiscal responsiveness worthy of the next phase of accreditation (Full Accreditation). Please feel free to review the nearly 700 pages of documents that support our latest ABHE responses (November 15th, 2018). We ask for your continued prayers as we continue with our progress, process and vision to help LABI College achieve accreditation and become one of the best Bible Colleges, to better equip tomorrow’s pastors and church leaders.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly: 951.534.6635 (cell) or by email: mharris@labi.edu I would welcome a meeting or conversation.
LABI College ABHE Self Study Documents:
Marty Harris, PhD
President, LABI College